Synchronicity Series
"Synchronicity Series" is a stop motion animated pixilation shot and performed in Farrer Park in Little India and at The School of Art, Media, and Design in Singapore. A collective of white coats breeze through the city depicting change and transformation while ascending and descending into various urban spaces. The film is structured around two main themes: collective cooperation and animal behavior patterns. ie: bird flight patterns and schools of fish where large numbers of separate entities work together as one cooperative organism.
This 2 min video is the result of 12 consecutive weekends spent choreographing and performing group formations within specific architectural sites and spaces. Inspired by passages in Matt Ridley's book, "The Origins of Virtue: Human Instincts and the Evolution of Cooperation", Eileen and her team set out to create an ideal system which would use performance and improvisation to reveal both elements of evolution and cooperative action throughout the shooting process as well as in the final product.