Little India Performances

I have been asked recently what I am up to with my artwork and work and so forth. I will try to give more of a clear idea of what is going on. In November, I was awarded a start up grant called “Heroes and Idols in Contemporary Singapore” with a collaborative partner, Joan Kelly. As the 'Principal Investigator', I am in charge of directing the global/urban studio practice. I decided to call the first project within the urban space, "Synchronicity". Along with production assistants, I am recording and choreographing a stop motion pixilation using performers. The performers must learn to synchronize their movements in order for the animation to work properly. Little India has been chosen for the first shoot to create a stark contrast between the performers orderly, repetitive controlled movements and the surrounding crowd of migrant workers. It has also been chosen due to a personal belief that the migrant worker is a hero within Singaporean society. Without them, it seems this country would not have developed as fast as it has.

This project is also based on a combination of two similar terms with differing meanings. "Synchronization" is needed within the coordination of events to operate a system in unison. And also, Carl Jung coined the word "Synchronicity" to describe what he called "temporally coincident occurrences of causal events." Jung felt it described his concepts of archetypes and a certain model of a person, personality, or behavior as well as the collective unconscious.